The Title IX law requires schools to investigate any allegations of sexual harassment or assault, whether it is a campus crime or a workplace misconduct. It also allows students to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights. This complaint can be brought by anyone who believes they have been a victim of sexual harassment or assault. However, a person cannot bring a Title IX complaint against their school unless they are a current or former student participating in a program or activity that receives federal financial assistance from the ED.
Why It's Important to Hire a Title IX Attorney
Amanda has served as a neutral third-party, neutral hearing officer and decision-maker for public and private universities throughout the country as they respond to reports of sexual misconduct. She has conducted virtual and in-person hearings, both as the sole decision-maker and chairperson of panels, in matters involving students, faculty, and staff. She advises institutions throughout the hearing process, from assisting with preparations for orderly and efficient proceedings to drafting thorough and reasoned written determinations.
Title IX Lawyer Oregon